Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The Ancient Game Tablut

Tablut is and ancient tafl game, it is much like chess but it is easier to learn how to play it as all of the pieces move in the same way. The object of the game is for the white team to get its king piece from the middle tile on he board to one of the 'escape' tiles around the edge. You can take the other players pieces by moving two pieces on adjacent tiles around the enemy piece.

Even though I lost every game I played of this during the lecture I really enjoyed it, I think this is because its mechanics are so simple but yet there is a lot of strategies you can use in the game. However it it possible if you are on the black side to block of the escape tiles from the other players king and them pieces cant be taken so the white team can not win. there are many ways of iterating the game so this does not happen though, for example you could add more escape tiles.

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